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发布时间:2022-01-08 18:10    浏览次数:
姓名/Name 李文娟 性别/Sex
出生时间/Birth date 1990年11月 民族/Nationality
籍贯/Residency 河南省周口市 政治面貌/Political background 中共党员
所在系/Faculty 实验中心 办公电话/Phone  
职称/Position 实验师 导师类型/Tutor type  
通讯地址/Address 河南农业大学龙子湖高校区15号亿百登录
E-mail liwenjuan@henau.edu.cn
教授课程/Teaching courses  
研究方向/Research fields 反刍动物营养
教育经历/Education 2019.09—2023.06    中国农业大学       动物营养与饲料科学  博士
2015.09—2018.06    中国农业科学院     动物营养与饲料科学  硕士
2011.09—2015.06    西南民族大学       动物科学            学士
工作经历/Work experience 2024年-至今,河南农业大学亿百登录
Social office and affairs
Research projects
(1)国家自然科学基金委员会, 青年科学基金项目, 31802088, 蛋氨酸调控羔羊肝脏组织抗氧化应激的分子机制研究, 2019-01-01 至 2021-12-31, 23万元, 结题, 参与;
(2)中国农业农村部畜牧局, 科技类, 202105510410, 羊大宗能量饲料原料营养价值评定及参数建立项目,
2021-05 至 今, 200万元, 在研, 参与
1. Wenjuan Li, Tao Ma, Naifeng Zhang, et al. Dietary fat supplement affected energy and Nitrogen metabolism efficiency and shifted rumen fermentation toward glucogenic propionate production via enrichment of Succiniclasticum in male twin lambs. Journal of Integrative Agriculture. 2023,2095-3119.
2. Wenjuan Li, Qichao Wu, Zhaoyang Cui, et al. Guanidine acetic acid exhibited greater growth performance in younger (13-30 kg) than in older (30-50 kg) lambs under high-concentrate feedlotting pattern. Front Vet Sci. 2022 Aug 4;9:954675.
3. Wenjuan Li, Yaowen Jiang, Zhaoyang Cui, et al. Dietary Guanidine Acetic Acid Addition Improved Carcass Quality with Less Back-Fat Thickness and Remarkably Increased Meat Protein Deposition in Rapid-Growing Lambs Fed Different Forage Types.  Foods. 2023, 12, 641.
4. Wenjuan Li, Zhaoyang Cui, Yaowen Jiang, et al. Dietary Guanidine Acetic Acid Improves Ruminal Antioxidant Capacity and Alters Rumen Fermentation and Microflora in Rapid-Growing Lambs.  Antioxidants. 2023, 12, 772.
5. Wenjuan Li, Fang Zhang, Shiteng Pei, et al. The Effect of Guanidinoacetic Acid Addition on In Vitro Rumen Fermentation Characteristics and Gas Production of Early- and Late-Stage Sheep-Fattening Diets.  Fermentation. 2023, 9, 549.
6. Wenjuan Li, Hui Tao, Tao Ma, et al. Effect of fat levels in early phase on growth performance and meat characteristics in twin lambs. Czech Journal of Animal Science, 66, 217-224.
7. 李文娟,王彦芦,王炜康,吴启超,冯小和,崔朝阳,姜耀文,张振威,杨红建.胍基乙酸对畜禽生产性能与肉品质的调控作用研究进展[J].中国畜牧杂志,2021,57(01):1-5.
8. 李文娟,陶慧,张乃锋,马涛,刁其玉.高脂肪日粮对早期断奶羔羊断奶前后能量代谢和屠宰性能的影响[J].中国农业科学,2021,54(10):2206-2216.
9. 李文娟,聂德超,陶慧,毕研亮,郝伟光,郑飞扬,孙延冰,刁其玉.代乳粉蛋白质含量对肉用犊牛生长性能的影响[J].中国畜牧杂志,2021,57(06):187-191+197.
10. 李文娟,陶慧,张蓉,张帆,解彪,张乃锋,刁其玉.日粮脂肪水平对湖羊双胞胎公羔生长性能及血清指标的影响[J].畜牧兽医学报,2018,49(02):327-337.
11. 李文娟,王世琴,姜成钢,马涛,朱正廷,刁其玉.体外法评定南方4种经济作物副产品及3种暖季型牧草的营养价值研究[J].畜牧与兽医,2017,49(04):33-39.
12. 李文娟,刁其玉.肉羊日粮干物质采食量及其影响因素的研究进展[J].中国畜牧杂志,2016,52(19):95-99.
13. 李文娟,王世琴,马涛,朱正廷,张乃锋,姜成钢,刁其玉.体外产气法评定甘蔗副产物作为草食动物饲料的营养价值[J].饲料研究,2016(18):16-22+27.
14. 李文娟,王世琴,朱正廷,张乃锋,姜成钢,刁其玉.体外产气法评定4类南方经济作物叶片的饲料价值[J].粮食与饲料工业,2016(09):46-52.  
1. 中国肉用绵羊营养需要,中国农业出版社,参编
2. 动物脂质科学,中国农业出版社,参编
1. NYT816-2021肉羊营养需要量,参与修订
Research achievements
荣誉称号/Honorary title  
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